Charity begins at home
“Tiger tops” by another name
Organising tournaments
Polo its the given game
Thailand watch the pachyderms
Mahouts riding them about
Sticks and stones hurt all our bones
Bashing them leaves me in doubt
Cruelty does nothing for
Approval ratings none at all
Animals were never born
To acceot abuse
Its no golden goose
It discredits all who call
It shows a lack of intelligence
And imbecility
To watch wild elephants broken
Its thoughtless its inanity
Corporate misjudgement
By association you
Who promote such sporting candour
Are abusers too
Sponsoring such evil
Negates the reasons why
It should be in the affirmative
It has to underlie
All things good and wonderful
Not this mendacity
Elephants being beaten
Till they wince exhaustingly
The companies lending their names
Showing their hypocrisy
Really its sharp practice
Its a swizzle actually
Its seen as a perversion
Their names seen in false light
Flatteringly disgraceful
More than an oversight
Johnnie walker vespa
Allegro LQA
Angus energy Peroni
Some now on display
A Petition in from Peta
On facebook too I hear
Elephants being seen in pain
And not a modicum of cheer