Among the cetaceans that frequent the sea
Are the dolphins and pilot whales
And some agree
Areas affecting their sonar abide
Bio-accoustically stressing the tide
Hamelin bay near Augusta is one
Known as a whale trap
The shallows can run
A geomagnetic anomaly here
And strandings can happen
So it does appear
They are highly social
Matriarchal by choice
They remain in their birth pod
Thats where their voice
Is understood aptly
Where they feel at home
Loyal and committed
Wherever they roam
Recently a large pod disturbed
By the plight
Of the dolphins of Taiji
And the kangaroo’s flight
And The short finned in the Faroes
Driven to shore
And cut into ribbons
Where its happening more
The cetaceans are undermined,
By these affairs
They are solemn and unhappy
So many pairs
View this brutality
In a poor light
And decided to make their stand
For what was right
The aura of murder
And the tempo of ill
Becalms their emotion
Immobile and still
Disabled by wave flow
The whole pod decide
Swimming blindly to strand
Themselves in the soft tide
And this is what happened
Why they all died
All just decided
To commit suicide
Unmoving unstirring
Bring to a rest
Collectively thinking
That this was the best
Protest to make
To the Australian trolls
The government people
Most without souls
With spurious falsity
And such deceit
They slaughter our breathren
They mock and they cheat
Broome bears the crux
Supporting taiji
Where so many pilot whales
Die and they be
Shipped to aquaria all around the world
To hell just for money
Thats why they are hurled
Kangaroo slaughter their cries
Iconic animals that do invest
Much of millenia living and they
Are murdered at night
In the spotlights and pay
A very high price so other wild folk
Use solidarity and its bespoke
Communication in oceans is rife
Nothing is lost and so all the strife
Is felt by cetaceans who magically know
Of the assassinations where ever they go
Bio accoustically systems are high
Its the great ocean web
That does underlie
All of the strandings
Depression and pain
Anxiety really creating the strain
Living together and perishing too
Corroborates and verifies
What these whales do