Giraffes the new target

Submissive and passive
Glorious souls
Faithful and steadfast
Honouring roles
Of the worlds tallest animal
A ruminant they
Stand 18 feet
In shrubveld they play

With a penchant for thorn trees
They never lie flat
Also seldom sleep
And know where they are at
Fantastic eyesight
And hearing to match
Amenable characters
Not easy to catch

Spot and stalk methods
The safari’s now use
Such beautiful animals
How we abuse
Creation in fact
For each has its place
They have so much substance
And move with such grace

Very tough skins
And a rather small brain
Between their horns
Their suited domain
Anywhere leafy green trees
Grow they be
Not dependent on water
It appears by decree

To hunt an elephant
These days can be
38,000 bucks
Thats the rate
For giraffes on the other hand
Being so tall
4000 bucks
That seems quite a small

Price in the scheme of things
So its the way
For the cheap skates
To hunt and bring down their prey
These eminent beasts
They reach a dizzy height
Lanky and rangy erect and upright

Their posture is good
Forward motion is too
They enjoy the stillness
The halcyon view
Over the treetops
Up into the sky
Loving the vista’s
Enjoyed from on high

Often transfixed
Becalmed so to say
They stand stock still
For that is a way
They can share aromatics
And murmur away
To the sounds of the birds
On a hot summers day

They possess such long lashes
And can with each eye
See quite long distances
Up into the sky
Artists of habit
Observers they be
Clear cut and crystal clear
In what they see

To see them pole axed
By hunters who say
Shooting them dead
Makes them happy all day
Such mindlessness being
Wanting I feel
What is inanity
For them it is real

Talking of conservation
So ignorant they
Have a non recognition
A sealed book I say
An arrogant mindset
So unaware
Unaquainted with the truth
So unsaid so unfair

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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