Attacking fracking

Brainwashing our angels
Thats not cops jobs
The fluorescent army
Of community yobs
Out to abuse us and intimidate those who
Are protecting communities
Which is what they do

Each on this mortal coil
An unspecified time
Some paid to police us
Let us witness their climb
Into the psyche
Of protectors who care
Who give up their personal time
To be there

Protecting the water
Protecting the air
Englands green pastures
Not wanting to share
The rich land we fought for
With ruffians who
Think more of the balance sheet
Than about you

Gas fields and frack pads
Thats their delight
Negative equity
And fracking blight
Communities screaming
Their agony ours
Whilst coppers are at it
With Mrs Mays powers

Corporate crazies
They have become
Arresting and testing
The patience of some
Of the ladies who give up
Their leisure to fight
To tie their sweet ribbons
So the fences look bright

Fracking is awful
Its a sinister play
Busting the shale
And breaking away
The oil and the gas
Corrupting us all
To MRs May’s hoodlums
who think they walk tall

Its an invasion
Of corporate crooks
Who spend their free time
A Cooking their books
Working to attract the
Dumb Who think they
can inflate their pensions
For a summers day

Fracking is attacking
Our lives on this earth
The water we drink
Those who give birth
To infants whose lungs
Will suck up methane
Who will drink the pollution
Again and again

Nosebleeds all round
Cancer threats too
No where
to walk
Just spoilage its true
Bore holes for nuclear waste
Care of the big corporatocracy

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in activism, Fracking and its consequences, womens issues. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Attacking fracking

  1. Jono says:

    Excellent thank you

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