Katmandu’s stone age butchering of the buffalo’s shipped in from India

The Indian Water Buffalo
Faces adversity
Transported to Katmandu
Where they are murdered mercilessly
500 or so everyday
Slaughtered in the street
With sledgehammers and knives
Nothing is discreet

Their suffering is awful
Babies especially
Tied up and transported
Without water or food
They be
Beaten many many times
Stress for them severe
They are majestic animals
Who end their lives in fear

India is opposed to killing
Cattle as we know
But it goes on despite religion
And infact does grow
NEpal is entirely backward
In the slaughtering for meat
The butchers there use tradition
And its just done in the street

The authorities are lax alas
Why they are remiss
Despite the constitution
We see permissiveness
A line of least resistance
Non-intervention there
Alas there is such lawlessness
And terrible despair

HIndu’s Sihks and Jains
Consider cattle killing wrong The constitution 48
It does not belong
But its done under the cover of darkness
And more and more are being shipped
And murdered in this way

Pinned down tied and shackled
Prisoners they be
The poker faced unseeing
Who use brutality
For them its all just money
They are criminality
And the animals are subject
To such dark depravity

Tormented and angst-ridden
Maltreated all the way
Beaten many many times
Really made to pay
Enduring all this harshness
This roughness and abuse
And when they get to katmandu
There just is no excuse

For what happens to these animals
This harrowing affair
Butchers from the stoneage
Who are waiting there
Tear-jerking and pathetic
Deplorable to see
Beyond the limits of tolerance
They die in agony

Carnivores who look the other way
And refuse to hear
The screams that are now commonplace
Puncturing the ear
The hideousness the gracelessness
From the harridans of pain
Butt-ugly violent butchering scum
Whose odious refrain

Unseemly marred and shapeless
As human beings they
Are grotesque and Ill-proportioned
Grimacing constantly
Barbarians just shameless
Servants of the crowd
Beyond the pale and indecorous
So unrefined and loud

The buffalo’s of noble stock
And an ancestry thats strong
Really high caste herbivores
Whose lives were far from long
They possess a humble spirit
They are caring and are true
But soaked up human resentment
An emnity on view

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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