To be consumed by money
To spend at any cost
To completely destroy the environment
That a forest can be lost
A persons home and garden
Destroyed because they do
Want to frack with
What is their new age fracking crew
All paid so significantly
And rarely local men
Lorries many hundreds
Security yes when
Do this lot clad in orange
Or yellow and exclaim
That they are doing fracking
Yes fracking by name
And that any objections
In the form of protectors who
Want to slow walk vehicles
To slow their passage through
Or want to lock on bodies
To try to make it feel
That protectors have the right to speak
For them they know its real
A drill head on or near your property
Or a flare thats lit at night
Or your water being polluted
Well its just not right
The air you breathe has methane
And benzene actually
And fracking spills are ruining
Their walkways where you be
For the mail to talk up ruffians
And criminals they must
Be mistaken for the protectors
Are obviously just
To be concerned of their area
Where they do belong
Installing drills and fracking
Ofcourse that is so wrong
The equality of people
Must, come into mind
Where we live and where we rest
Is where we ought to find
The air we breathe
The water, we drink
It has to be
And free from fracking liquids
To know your children are at risk
Is a basic human right
What parent wouldnt worry
When we are out at night
Methane clouds are forming
And water gradually
Is getting so polluted
Where It should never be
To see your daughters nose bleeds
And your grandmother whose chest
All the family is suffering
Cuadrilla knows whats best
About squirrelling their profits
To tax havens may be so
But caring about the foxes and the badgers
I think no
Caring about the locals the children
In the schools
Caring about the roads
And the Fracking done by fools
Is carving up the system
So heavy are the loads
And noise there is so much of it
Where they have their abodes
The frackers being supported
By the coppers like to see
The protectors taken down a peg
Arrested actually
All this laying in the street
So trucks cannot get through
Cannot be allowed to happen
And these bastards we should screw
Kettling us and pushing us about
All this we see
Women really knocked about
Protectors and violently
Pushed aside and beaten on
Not given a chance
To protest in their peaceful way
Without a song and dance
An assembly of people
Of different ages who
Have done their own research
And found these frackers
The papers who are lying
Paid, really to say
They are being threatened
In every single way
yes every sort of way
An intimidation and it dont go
Dislocated honourably
As If we didnt know
The frackers know disorder
Its all part of their game
Shouting we are anarchists
This is theur blame game
But We are all together
We shall not feel forlorn
We love earth our provider
Night and day and Dawn
We are here for perpetuity
Ending and lasting time
Constant and continual
And sometimes we shall climb
On rigs on trucks on tankers
Or fences if we can
Anyway to slow their day
We will do it man for man
Bowland shale and cuadrilla
Part australian we know
Whsts been done in Brisbane
To the farmers there a blow
To grow crops for the msrketplace
Well everyones denied
The pollutive practices
All the waterless stock
Our children suffering nosebleeds
And the general shock
Of losing what we live for
The water and the air
The environment around us
Now we see despair
As trees are torn and dying
Laid to rest where we
Along with the koala
Are no where near a tree
These fools and their stake holders
Are,misguided they
Dig huge long wells
With awful smells
And the fracturing today
Is giving many inhabitants
Stress illness and pain
There is no permanence any more
Just the fracking noise again.
And what can you do about it
Put up with it and try
To ignore the daily nosebleeds
And why your wife does cry
Why the children cannot sleep
And breathing is so bad
And its all to do with the fracking
And what comes off that vile pad
The mail should be amongst us
Should realise how cold
we are
Its dark these mornings
When some are far from par
But still we brave the darkness
The inclement weather to
We Provide these fracking monsters
With a light beyond the dew