So many leaves have tumbled
Now Jack Frost is on the prowl
The wind has got that hoary air
Of countenance each howl
Really you will need to be dressed up
And feeling warm
Standing in a circle on the
Rollrights ain’t the norm
And if you ever do it
Dont forget long johns
At least three pairs of woollen socks
And a lined robe to put on
Possibly some ear muffs
And a little flask of rum
Its best to have that foresight
For your toes can get so numb
As the light draws down
The trees in silhouettes they quickly fade
The clouds allow the moon to blink
And on the ground is laid
A hot fire and its sooty embers rising ever high
Confident and self assurred which is really why
Samhain is the ritual that comes along before
Yule and ofcourse mistletoe and the green wreaths on the door
A time for happy families
When resolutions fly
When we resolve our issues
And the ivy green grows high
Along with prickly holly
With its berries round and red
When our children hang their stockings
Before they go to bed