Faroes 2017

This year has been a disaster
For the slayings of the sea
1203 pilot whales and dolphins
Who swam around these islands
Some 488
Were slaughtered in a bloodbath
Which is bound to infuriate

These people are not starving
They eat whatever flies
Whatever swims they slaughter it
To Be close is never wise
All those beautiful families
Caught and cut to shreds
The fetus torn a’sunder
And They soon cut off their heads

The sea runs red and livid
The anger they create
Smouldering resentment
Which is bound to aggravate
Those of us who know the score
Who see the blood lust there
Wading into the approaching pods
Causing them despair

Gnashing teeth splenetic spite
Its there and can be seen
The injustice of it all
These people are obscene
Their hatred for these mammals
Their deteststion we
Can feel it we can see it
Their animosity.

Lily livered craven hearted
Gutless retards who
Have no affection for creation
Just watch what they do
Philistines thats all they are
Ill mannered oafs they be
Plundering creation
With total obstinacy

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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