Watching the grey skies feeling the wind

The sun is wrestling wildly
With the clamour of the gray
Tenacity you have to hand it
To the sun today
A sea of slate is lapping
Struggling to be
Seen in every quarter
Bringing its misery

She’s back that ball of crimson
Flesh coloured now I’d say
Struggling to be seen against
The leaden and sombre display
A swirl of inky smutty charred
And back she comes for more
seemingly a bit off guard
losing some light I am sure

She has gone though now defeated
By the incessant roar
The drapes that hung across the sky
That many might ignore
The opacity impervious to the failing
Light alas
The gauzy opalescent milky variegated

She’s back the sun procuring
Yet another time
Its gusting look at those telephone wires
Bouncing watch them climb
This might be the sequel
To the onslaught on the way
Something we have all been told about
Something to spoil our day

Is it an aberration of some kind
We all must wait
Infinity is boundless
The natural world is great
We are less than ants
In this huge dome we call the earth
We think we control the universe
But we have so little worth

Standing with our wooden swords
Up against the might
The unlimited winds are blowing
To scythe into the night
Our fragility is obvious
Our impermanent desire
Fading as the sun has
Our fear becoming dire

A red kite weaves its magic
Overhead so volatile
Restless and unsettled
Fleeting for a while
A final meal to chomp upon
Before the gathering storm
And fly into eternity
Where everything feels warm

An immediacy is present
And aftermath a glow
Is it to be the trailer
For the feature do you know?
A mobile swings around
Catching a limited draught
Autumn clearly joking
But nobody has laughed

Low down the plants are shifting
Thats an ominous turn of events
Like whirlgigs that flicker and flutter
Where’s the sense
Gusts are rolling in now
The thrusts are everywhere
Armies of great warriors
Their ability to share

Our weakness is we are human
With a corpulence beyond
The flashing crashing ruination
Gaia’s magic wand
lifted and pronounced upon
Eradication comes
The rot and rust appears unjust
At the sound of all those drums

The storm is coming gentlefolk
Promised, on its way
Demolisher and leveller
Some of us will pay
So get your wooden swords out
And stay the giants hand
Wipe away your mildew
and try to understand

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to Watching the grey skies feeling the wind

  1. Lone Wolf says:


    • Rex Tyler says:

      Happy you approved it was a truly unbelievable and unforgettable sky scape
      Those few hours observing and conjuring up some word magic

      Thanks for seeing and visiting my blog Dear Lone

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