A,precocial being
Prepared Always to run
Born above the ground me thinks
When the day is done
It has realization
That what it has to do
Is know when dangers calling
An eternal view
It can run its arse off
And has to often too
A wild soul on a mission
To escape what we now do
Coursing is a blood sport
For low life of the field
Proving their dogs agility
And hopefully to build
A genuine and tangible
Reason just to chase
The hare is always suffering
From the Dangers it must face
Ofcourse its very agile
And darts about to try
To Thwart the rabid chasing dogs
Or else the hare will die
In southern ireland people
Get off in seeing hares
Chased until they are knackered
Thats when the aggressor shares
A chunk or more of fresh wild flesh
And the irish call this sport
Of course this should be banned
The flames are fanned
When hares are caught.
A Hare’s Breath
C ursing is what comes to mind
Because I have heard the Hare
Scream whilst trying to catch its
Breath fleeing in the direction
Of a Butterfly I am angry at my
At my father for taking me there
To toughen me I was a weakling
And Guinness at Golden’s on the
Way home because they said it
Was good for me give me strength
And here am I never played any
Sport I remained sensitive became
A naturalist a poet a vegetarian a
Teetotaler a softie an animal rights
activist and I am still alive because
according to The Mayo Clinic, one
Has to be truly tough, to be old?
Finn Mac Eoin
I enjoyed your beautiful words thank you