It sits very nicely
In Berkhamsted High Street
Laid back and gentle
Where coffee and cake
And salads are served
In a personable manner
Undeniably caring
And very sharing
Something to take
Home with you really
A genuine place
With its own stamp
And its own pace
The lifeblood you feel it
The embodiments there
In the sweet state of mind
And the spirited air
It attracts the like minds
Every age group appears
You feel an affinity
A clanship that clears
Away all the snobbery
That can occur
There’s a freedom of thought
And design that concur
Hand roasted beans
Served in stoneware explain
Interact with the fact
That its packed yet again
Interchangeable banter and friendliness
I was absorbed it just sped through my veins
The Americano Guatamala’s soul
A repose on the nose
And a smoothness of role
A complete abandonment
Blessed and good
A taste of euphoria
Seemingly should
Sweep with its radiance
Over us all
With the high street outside
A place to call
Up the spirits of softness
Of moderate thought
And be glad you discovered
And kind of brought
Your thoughts into being
Of calmness and rest
Of a cup of real coffee
Which You know is the best
In a perfectly made cup
Our lips Found a place
Beguiled by it all
And lost in its grace
This in no normal coffee shop
They also offer a wonderful hot chocolate
And some beautiful aromatic teas
Go see
Dear Rex
Thank you for writing this poem having been inspired by your first visit to Epicure. We are so grateful for your kind words in poetry.
We would love to print your work onto a poster and frame it to hang in the coffee shop. Would you be happy for us to do this ?
Come and visit us soon
With gratitude
Lesley and Ender
No need to be it describes what you have created and i love it as do your regular customers i will be back soon when I can get parking outside.
Love you to do that if thats what you would like its yours to do what you will with