Seaworld’s arrogance

The ignorant apparently are past
Masters at their craft
Cetaceans are their victims
These glorious beasts of old
Social creatures developed over
Millenia, transforming the oceans
We are told.

Sea world has seen three of them
Dive into no more
Ofcourse they have given their b all
As victims of a war
Played out by a corporate
For money which is sly
And All these fools who buy their tickets
Have to now know why.

The cruelty is just awful
And its done behind closed doors
When the customers have gone home
When there is no applause
When they are moved to smallerf pens
To rot and mostly lie
Dormant bored out of their minds
They all just want to die

Fed on dead fish and antibiotics
Every single day
Its live fish that all wild fish eat
Not carrion
they are not scavengers or vultures
They need the freshness they need to catch it
It does appal

Me to think that sea world customers actually forget
That in their pens are chemicals no weeds
Nothing is set
fine producing aeration cleansing its a soup
Of feces they dischrage each day and chlorine
Cock a hoop

With their success tormented victims trapped taken away
From all their families its cruelty
Making the victims pay
Sea world are a bunch moguls
Weaving a web of woe
And going in and supporting them
We raise their stakes you know

The do not care for man or beast
They are as arrogant as hell
One day karma will pay them back
Give them a real quiet spell
Selling parks to china
To prolong the expertise
Is Cruelty personified
It shows they are on their knees

And we have to put the knife in
Let the feel the pain
Rud these tanks of victims
Finally break the chain
Why are we so stupid
Is it the crap we eat
Whatever it is we must see sense
And help these soul compete

With life again in the oceans

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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