
First daughter of GEB
Who was God of the Earth
Her mother NUT goddess
Of sky
A polytheistic pantheon
Of Egypt
She most high
Health marriage and wisdom
Her attributes its been said
A friend of slaves and sinners
And the downtrodden that led
Awful lives artisans too
Were drawn under her sight
The natural world of magick
A protector of the light

The dead also protected
And children were also drawn
Into her powerful embrace
A devineness of the Dawn
All powerful hallowed and sanctified
Her wisdom and her care
Which she infused with the greco -Roman
Who all wanted to share

She married her brother Osiris
Who was murdered by Set
Who chopped him up in pieces
But her magic did beget
Him back to being normal
And he was born again
Her baby she called Horus
Such a magickal refrain

At stonehenge just last evening
Wrapped in black attire
Some said they had seen her there
And the deity of fire
Her antidotes so special
Against snake bites
They worked well
The GOd RA can attest to that
For she did cast a spell
On him to procure his secret name
This was power indeed
And to think she had visited Stonehenge
Amongst the revellers indeed

In the body of one lady
Whose countenance of old
A skin or purest porcelain
That ever has been sold
A regent in the feminine
A gait of goodly grace
Awakened by the solstice
In the shadows of her face

To know her is to love her
There is no other option .

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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