A beautiful blue sky presented itself
And Rollrights was resplendent in green
All was ablaze
with the light of Beltaine
The dandelion phantoms had been
Once glorious carpets of golden
But now just were pillows of puff
buttercups golden and Daisies so white
Cow Parsley Hugging the apron its bright
Floral patterning sharing
With bluebells whose rich colouration
So daring
The eye to believe on this fresh Summers day
That the heat from the sun would just melt us away
For 4000 years the kingsmen had stood
Around in their own circle all for the good
Of so many visitors who came along
To walk hand in hand with their hearts in a song
Chipping Norton looked grand flanked by Rape fields of yellow
Ploughed fields of red like some soft hearted fellow
Had used a fine wash on his painting below
And captured the spirit the life and the flow
The air was alive with flutter and verve
Butterflies bees seed heads on wing
The Cotswold Druids were planning their ritual
Robed up in white which the fine day did bring
Ladies with floral tiaras reigned gently
Dancers with beautiful arcs of delight
Zakoor with his coat of nature before us
The Arch Druid Veronica at a greening height
The bale fires were lit and the sweet meats were present
The mead the bee’s gift in small flagons laid
As more and more visitors came you could feel it
The energy rising within the parade
Inside the stones we formed our great circle
Held hands together absorbing the scene
Feeling the warmth of the sun
On our faces
The shimmering spangles of summery sheen
Peace in the East in the South in the West in the North
And within us all
We Felt it so
Calling the quarters
Our Arch Druid really explained Beltaine simply
Helping the flow
The May KIng and Queen chosen
Set to enthrawl to lead all the company
Down through the bale fires
In to the south where the may pole now stood
The great drum then sounded
Clasping the ribbons they danced
And they dreamed as all dancers should
They were then again led by the May King and Queen
Back through the South Portal back tween the fires
Back to our circle for the mead and the food
And to hear the bard Zakoor’s ode for the road
And then the three ladies decked in fine costumes
Danced with the great hoops of flowers to a tune
Ancient and meaningful deftly creative
So much expression they did festoon
All those who came clearly dressed up to be there
The druid family decked in their software
The maidens were beautiful the gentlemen equal
Onto the speaking stick where each could share
A song or a poem a little about themselves
And all the while Summer was clearly on song
All felt its warmth and the sweet interlude
Where each of us really felt we did belong
Out on the hill far away from our cell phones
And The digital world that was cramping our space
Here we could dance to the tune of the summer
And enjoy some light banter and really the face
Of a warm day in May, in the open air sharing
Friendship and laughter and just being true
To ourselves The great mother to the ancestors other
Receiving the blessings as they did accrue.
Thanks be to all who came and participated
Special thanks to Veronica and Dave
For all the work they put in to
Making our unique gathering so very special.
A beautiful poem from a master wordsmith -)
That coming from you Veronica is the best accolade any bard could wish for
What a wonderfully natural day it was in a beautiful and special setting
Another beautiful and evocative pice Rex. Your words have sped me across the earth. Xxxxxx
Another beautiful piece Rex. Your words have sped me across the earth to stand again on the grass at the Rollright Stones. Love you! Xxxxxxxxx
From New Zealand
Thankyou Gabrielle lovely to hear from you you always seem to be with us still at rollrights x