The West takes unbelievable liberties
With those indigenous peoples around the world
With commodities
Who knows the extent the vile intention
Of profit and how its made
Taking advantage of people
Whose abilities are laid
Out their worth is little
To the corporations who
Process the commodities
And sell them onto you
The almonds grown on forest trees
5o meters high in a raging forest
In Bolivia the sky
Releasing vast amounts of rain
Down on harvesters who
Make a lousy pittance
But work the whole day throug
Imost awful conditions
In the heat
Bre almond shells up
Lying at their feet
In this pile of shells the snakes
And spiders live and ply
All extremely noxious beasts
Whose bite you cant defy
It Will reduce you to a shaking wreck
With fever and so much pain
You may not be able to walk for a month
And life will feel insane
And all For a bag of almonds
That truly weighs a lot
To carry one you need
A strong back and a stronger will
If you are, to succeed
The jungle is developing
into a quagmire
Under the weight of almonds
you can fall
At 25 cents per kilo
there’s no money in this torture
And with all this illegal logging
Theres a wall
of mud and rain and rivers
almost everywhere
The roads many impassable and so
BOlivia is sinking
into shafts of crimson mud
And On foot there is really
no where you can go
Truckers know they have to get their cargoes through
Raging rivers torrents everywhere
Landslides it is hell on earth to attempt this
Bridges washed away and yet more despair
The price we pay that us in supermarkets
100 times whatever the workers earn
They go through hell and high water for the pittance
And the corporations are forcing them to turn
Their labour into slavery the notion
That an infra structure exists is borne away
We are taking liberties with people
They are struggling and although we pay
Like Palm oil and the workers in the forests
Suffering the vagaries of man
Illegally performing massive environmental crimes
And obviously its really all to plan
The environment is suffering like crazy
The animals and the indigenous are too
And its so that our great supermarkets
Can keep their profits high
And we can get round and join the queue
As ignorant as the day is long thats us as well
Contributing to the squalor in the East
In the forests in the rivers we are not life givers
Its our ignorance and our ego’s they like least
Imagining the dangers and the lowly pay
Accredited to these almond pickers who
Are made to risk their lives each day
For little
Whilst we get hand outs out of their low pay
The roads supposedly arterial conduits
But actually mud baths and land slides where
Local people are washed away and slaughtered
Every single place built on despair
Its not that they dont want to work
They are slaving
on a gang forever and a day
Watching all the blood and sweat of aeons
Really in a nutshell washed away
If you buy into Bolivian Almonds
I want you just to think of where they were from
How the gatherers suffered to bring them to you
Really the whole market needs a bomb
Up its arse for all the true unfairness
Corruption on a scale beyond belief
And we are all part of this with our ignorance
For the workers really havent got relief
Fair trade we are too pissed off to worry
A lot here wouldnt pay the extra for
unknown souls now out in Amazononia
Living in their world of blood and gore
Of no food on the table no water from the tap
There is no fucking tap around you just about can crap
Somewhere in a muddy hole where the tarantulas and snakes
Are ready to reward you for the almond shells,
it takes
To keep the heart a pumping, to keep the soul on board
To worry about the next days food and will someone reward
You and help with feeding your baby struggling at your breast
Slung across your aching back caked in mud to test
Everybody’s spirit really its never fair
To buy from supermarkets and never stop to care
But then thats life apparent
You just get in your car
And buy your fancy nick nacks
Knowing who you are