What are we doing?

Cities where ants scurry this way
And that
Where vehicular poisons are where
We are at
Where once the sound sod and the life force
We saw
Was concreted over and yes some more

Did we live in a cave
Or a shelter somewhere
Did we live off the land
That had much to spare
Our experimentation soon
Gave us a way
Of living sustainably everyday

Look at the wild animals
They walk their roar
They live in the wilderness
And know what life’s for
They eat when they are hungry
They forage a lot
They drink when they are thirsty
And when they are not

They sleep and they rest and they
All are aware
Their ears are aloft
Their eyes clearly rare
Their smell is far distant
Is part of their makeup
And why they feel free

Take the indigenous people around
They live close to Nature
Where they have found
They are safer and clearly
Can realise they
Can eke out a future
Every day

The language of Nature
Is teaching a lot
Each to his own
Although his senses are not
More tuned in than ours,
Its just that they feel
Closer to their maker
Than we dare reveal

Away with the wifi
The cell towers where we
Can share the pure nature
Can go hug a tree
Why not they are sentinels
Oxygen makers
We both need each other
Givers and takers

They ground us
They clean up our lungs
For a while
Our eyes see new things
Our thoughts create guile
We acknowledge the knowledge
Our consciousness feels
A growing awareness
Which really reveals

The feeling of feeling
More energy
Unplugged from the digital
Once again free
We walk on the earth on the litter of life
Sharing the caring and losing the strife

Inmersing ourselves in the breezes that blow
In the dew that may fall in the sun’s special glow
The forest is generally not sprayed a lot
Unlike our food plants for that great toxic pot
We might have been suffering
But when we go
When we leave the forest
Something we know

We actually feel better
Our dogs do as well
They were the excuse
For many who tell
That is their reason
For going out to
The forest to walk them
Though their walking too

They seem to know dogs need
To walk but forgot
They also need to walk
And walk a lot
To breathe in the fresh air
And take in the new scents
To just let the muscles
become less tense

Re enter the great eco system of soul
Hear the bird song the scurrying
Creatures whose role
Is so simply defined in the forests
Great face
Where all of the creatures
In fact know their place

There are no hospitals
No surgeries
Animals live freely
And they can please
Themselves how they live their lives
It is their choice
They need nothing outside of the forest
One voice

Only their knowledge of what life’s about
They live for each other
And, have no doubt
Some know predation
Others tend to
Eat vegetation
Its what they must do

There is balance you can feel it
Its basic and pure
GAIA Has acknowledged
The cry and the lure
Of the forest for all forest animals who
Can attain their longevity
whatever we do

So some cut down the trees
And some pollute the earth
Those committing these crimes
Have forgotten the worth
The need for the oxygen
And for the soul
Whose arrogance has broken the seal
Whose control

Was so out of kilter
With nature thats true
With the indigenous people
Who knew what to do
With all of those wild souls
And the plants and the trees
And the insects and birds
And of course the dear bees

Look at the cities now
The air quality
The water is doctored
No one is free
Chem trails are everywhere
All over the sky
The oceans polluted
Our poor guts too die

Friendly bacteria
Lies everywhere
Dead as a dodo
And we are unaware
Hospitals packed
Suncreams and barriers
To the sun that once shone

What of the indigenous
Seen as the low folk
Put in reservations
Dumbed down just a joke
But they are the god souls
The ancestral stream
Who were put here to save us
Representing our dream

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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