
A women who broke into
The patriarchal set
Performing it divinely
Not because they let
Her just because she wanted to
To give that air of grace
Strength in the matriachal sense
Creating her own space

Druidic spiritual Practice
A founder member she
Realised her potent worth
In actuality
Formed the Cotswold Order
A dream perchance to be
And found some glorious beings
Who joined her druidry

She rides a powerful motor cycle
And clearly she is free
Whizzing down the motorway
Each exhilarating spree
Draws that power into her
A stalwart stance as she
Takes on the wild wind bluster
Its her truest allegory

A story of a women
Who stands tall in many ways
She can be a great arch druid
Thats her creative phase
A genuine individual with a sense of
Purpose she
Is everything to everyone
And a special soul to me

A guiding light for many
An inner strength possessed
That wave of femininity
In the spray of life we are blessed
She takes the helm so avidly
A union of care
And with harmony and unity
Our grove go everywhere

The Cotswold Order cometh
To Stone Henge
And Clearwell
All arranged by Veronica
Its what she does so well
And RollRights
The great standing stones
Its where I saw her light
Shining through the darkness
One dark Oxfordshire night

And Dave we musn’t forget Dave
Her partner and her rock
An avalanche of expression
So helpful with the flock
Not that we are sheep
But if you really get my drift
Veronica is that special soul
That gives us all a lift

I hope it wasn’t too painful today
Dear Veronica of course it is awful
When our friends pass and an inevitable
Chapter of life but its finality
Is burdensome i know x

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to Veronica

  1. veronica says:

    Thank you, Rex.

    Wonderful words. telling it like it is. What people see.
    But no-one knows, not anyone, the real story of Me.
    Druidry’s my vocation, what people need, to Be.
    But, no-one knows, why should they know, the real story of Me.

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