Magickal Snowdrops

Out of the mists comes the white souls of Imbolc
A spectre of ermine and fresh fallen snow
Tis there where the faeries would dance in the morning
Before the light comforts the path where I go

As gentle as any young dancer on tip toe
Who faithfully lifts up her arms to the sky
Steady and balanced in glorious movement
Sent by the breezes that blow from on high

With tresses of green confounding the infinite
And a perfection transcending us all
Surpassing all others creating the perfect
With all of her accoutrements very much now on call

Imbolc does herald the spirit of Brigid
The entireness and wholeness of harmony’s bond
This great bunch of joyousness breaks through the frost to
Deliver its message before I abscond

That was their debut their initiation
Almost esoteric as to why they are here
The rawness of Winter their race ever skywards
Hoping to enter the light of the year

Their newness is evident virginal innocence
Now comes to mind
From the cold earth they forced their way
Into the moment
A new generation of beauty we find

The eyes of the druid the witch and the keen ones
Spotted the first tips of greenery where
The vigour and drive was created and ready
To champion growth and to honourably share

The emotion of looking of seeing and caring
For all these young sentinels coming to see
The fresh flush of pink faces cold noses old posies
Made joyful having regard for the snowdrops that be

Standing together february’s fervour intense and strenuous
Influenced by
The impulse on imbolc
The lambs coiled and leaping
With their magnetism sent down from the sky

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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