Born in Guatamala
And sent to El Salvador
A 15 year old Hippo
Somebody started a war
Beat this giant senseless
Thrashed him until he died
Despite the aggression from street gangs
People are mystified
Here was the peoples favourite
An animal who shared
Lots of love with everyone
And that he wasnt spared
But those who came to torture him
Beat him about the head
Everyones in mourning
So the zoo director said
Children came to see him
He was a favourite there
Flowers are being left around
Everyone does care
GUstavito was just everybodys friend
And San Salvador
Are very sad today
that hus life is at an end
He was badly beaten up
And stayed inside his pool
Clearly in lots of agony
Possibly he did fall
In there and could not get out
So hurt it seems to me
What a terrible thing to do
A complete tragedy.