Undertakings must be made

In breeding is a crime against humanity
Its evil strangely injurious and wrong
Creating the white tiger
Leucism pigmentation
problems and aadness
All along
In the wild a tiger must be orange
Camouflage allows attAck to be
Possible its how the animals hunts its prey
The tiger really is a solitary

Soul they bring their light
Their bright blue eyes into their being
For human beings commercially to try
To increase the rate that this imperfection does occur
Really we must ask our ownselves why

Because we think it is a siberian tiger
Is that the reason let me tell you these
White tigers are from Bengal they are Indian
Its the pits in sick behaviour and the disease

Each animal receives and has to live with
This burden of existence we allow
To encourage this disservice is an ourage
Its shameful to my mind its off the page

Many suffer long and hard cleft palates
Can occur neurological miasma’s too
Spinal and other sad deformities
In bred policies we should not pursue

It comes back to the arrogance of commerce
Coupled with the ignorance of man
Beautiful blue eyes a ghost that what we say
Clearly though its all some ghastly plan

None of these sad creatures
can we put back in the wild
They wouln’t last 5 minutes
Their life we have defiled
Such cruelty Such torture
And not satisfied with that
We cage them up in circus
And beat them smell a rat?

Commmerce takes the whip hand
A vale of tears for they
Are caned out of existence
Clearly everyday
Their falsified affliction
Their misery their woe
The angst look at them closely
Their eyes tell all you know

Bruised and cut around their eyes
Fear is a big thing
Each could take a trainer down
Each one is a king
But each one does feel disinclined
To leap into the light
And crush their fucking skulls to dust
And wave to them goodnight

Circus is a place of torment
Where mindlessness is high
Bigots stride around the rung
The obsession is to lie
Inflexible such cruelty
Unrelenting thugs
Impervious to sadness
They are no more than bugs

As evil as the day is long
A plague infact are they
The tiger the light being
Came from far away
With his blue eyes from the ocean
His devotion from the sky
Lets credit him with beauty
And lets sort out the circus guy

LEUCISM was rare but can be made mire common
By in breeding

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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