4 days its been
And still some of the victims
Languish, they
Have been in the sea pens all this time unfed
What can one say?
Stolen from Each other
All the relatives they knew
Their children
And the juveniles
And the elders yes them too
Its very cold imagine it
These japanese are way
More cruel than you can imagine
What they do each day
Take a few and see if they
Can be sold to aquaria or
Slaughtered in the infamous cove
Under the tarps of gore
Manhandled by the frogmen
Wrestled in the sea
Beaten punched and harried
This is how they be
Tortured they are emotional souls
Their feelings shot away
By these unbelievable rotters
Who live in taiji bay
And its all to do with money
They have a yen for this
Slaughter in the water
Pithing them the kiss
of death
The complete agony
This is what they do
Ever since 1969
When culture began the clue
Shinzo abe prime minister
That much we now know
His taiji people lie like hell
And its all on show
They are rich beyond their means
Torturing away
Creating loads more victims
Who die in taiji bay.
Its live fed to the world of course
So all of us can see
We feel the anguish see the anguish
Suffer too and we
Although we write and protest
The japanese just say
It is our tradition
Now bloody well go away.
And carry on the slaughter
The evil drive they do
Capture them and teach some tricks
And sell them off its true
Aqua parks around the world
And swim with dolphin places
Dolphins die before their time
I wish I coukd see your faces
Those of you who buy tickets
For SEAWORLD and the rest
A trade that I detest
Next tine you see these dolphins
Stolen from the sea
Their parents died in front of them
And they died emotionally
Dmaged goods they have become
Deep deep down they cry
And you by buying a ticket
Are helping more to die