An innovative and adventurous
Bird is often around about
On the rocks in Dorset
Crashing waves that shout
Loudly throwing salty waves
Climbing to a height
The wave flow is chaotic
So birds have got to fight
For food along the wintry edge
Where limpets and other folk
Are clinging On for dear life
Really its no joke
Rhe weed is very slippery
The urchins and fhe rest
To get a lunch from off this table
Really is a test
One bird is really able
The Sandpiper for they
Have one eye on the food they eat
And the other on the spray
Pioneeering littke souls
Their pilgrimage does show
Great success despite the stress
Of being in the flow
Its winter and the winds are strong
And the waves come crashing fast
These yellow footed foragers
Their die in fact is cast
They are able to get a decent meal
With no one ekse around
Only they have the where for all
To eat and not get drowned
The amazing sandpiper