Tom and tina a love story for yule

Tom had managed to get away
3 days ago which did put pay
To his ideas really that his lady friend
And him were going to try and spend
A week or so of freedom together
From the farmyard lockup
Out in the weather
In the woods up yonder
Away from it all
The unlocked gate and the little wall

He was over that in a Blooming trice
A hasty retreat with death did dice
With christmas coming turkeys know
If they are gonna escape then they have to go
The woods up yonder are good and dark
Shadows everywhere leave their mark
Its real rain sodden everywhere
But at least it feels good to be in there

There was plenty of seeds around to scoff
And tom felt good that he had run off
He missed his Tina his feathered beau
She’d still be on fhe treadmill
Worrying so

Of course it was awkward
Being outside
In the wind and the rain with
No where to hide
But despite all that it was worth it that he
Had slipped the latch and was running free

There were fungi and seeds and berries too
Crab apples a bit on the bitter side who
Had told him the wild foods were not up to scratch
He was getting on well in his brand new patch

Lots of fresh water and berries divine
Very dark but the moon did shine
And he felt better out in it all
Liberated and able to call

His feathers felt good in the wind and rain
The bugs sod off whats there to gain
Resident on us when we are out
In the cold and rain whats that about?

In the barn ofcourse its Stuffy there
Dirty straw bugs everywhere
But here in the woods even bugs prefer
To be inside and so occur

I found some bracket fungus today
And ate it all it was okay
Made me lively i have to say
I ate a lot in fact today

How many days I had been away
I just lost count
Anyway I say
I best go see if I can find
TIna that gal I left behind

And so i walked on back to see
The moon was up and light it be
The turkey shed was very quiet
Not one turkey now in sight

I walked across to the other place
And hanging on hooks all my friends
Above disgraces whats to say
Hanging there they had passed away

Their necks were cut where was Tina?
I asked around but no one had seen her
My darling friend where could she be
In their parlour perhaps
I’d see

So through the window and up the hall
On a table against the wall
There was Tina and she was gone
All her feathers now not upon
Her beautiful body her gorgeous frame
She was naked there and I’d have no claim

On my lovely friend she was ready to be
Roasted oh God if she had come with me
We could be lovers in the wood
Now ofcourse we never could

Vegans are our friends and we say
Why cant more of you try from today
To stop eating us we LOVE life so much
Why are you humans so far out of touch

Me and her loved to walk out and be
Really in love when others did see
Us two together they were jealous as hell
And now she is dead and will soon be in hell

In that great oven to scorch her to death
Stuff her with pig meat deny her breath
Drain her of blood and chew on her breast
She is not a year old yet yea and the rest

And she will be inside your intestines fast
And out into hell ejected and cast
All of her juices you bastards will suck
MY TINA My glorious TINA such luck!

Gone in a thrice on your great Christmas day
With herbs up her jacksy
Why had she to pay
She was an angel in every way

And now she is gone
I have nothing to say

I am hoping that karma will get you and soon
Hopefully some of you before next june
She was an angel in every way
And you lot are at fault for making her pay

Consigned to some sandwich The gal of my dreams
And thanks to you lot took apart at the seams
So I am off to the woods to wander alone
Forever and ever yea all on my own

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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