RIver Bend San Francisco

The nobility of the wild and free
With a pedigree and an ancestry
In a rustic space where every face
Has humility its just wants to be
Part of the whole conceived of soul
Unpretentiously its role
Inoffensive unassuming
Unseen by many and the looming
Spectacle of tree lined wonder
The river sparkling as it flows under
Water sings with a melody
Attracting bird song symphony
The magic of just any day
And the energy thats here in play

Water is life
Its all around
We are water
Pound for pound
A brilliance and a charming scene
Come join us just to say you have been
Beavers and minks and musk rats call
They swim the waters that ebb and fall
Living reflections fill our eyes
Everywhere theres a surprise

Ever changing all along
Come be part of the greatest throng
Of life where there is so much cheer
And vitality anytime of year
Come and feel the true relief
To mitigate fhe cities grief
On a bounteous balsamic breeze
A Consoling comfort that will please

A blessedness for all you see
For all you hear just being here
The rivers end an unending feel
Be gladsome as you see the wheel
Of life full circle in your mind
Changing moods all underlined
Be responsive to their call
Its thrilling really just to fall
Into what is a magickal realm
With you apparently at the helm

So much generosity on offer
And the heart will see
With the gentle rocking of a tree
The great willow always chancing
Loves the water Just loves dancing
Her reflection transfers light
An artform thats entirely right
A betrothal of branch and stream
It is as a living dream
An overture of offerings here
Where a water protector may just appear
A singing heart that stays unbound
That feels the beauty that does astound

Surrender snd succumb to soul
Be submissive in your role
Compromise and let all flow
Just let nature so bestow
Its well disposed and you will feel
Part of what is truly real
And its a place to use your nose
The fresh clean air
Each sweet repose
The easeful tranquil place to be
Where, there is such activity
Wild birds washing secretely
Aimless fidgets on the wing
With enthusuasm how they bring
The dynamism of it all
Which painstakingly will overhaul
Your animated state of mind
That when you leave it will stay behind
An opportunists way to go
Water is life so let it flow

Thankyou magpie watering production
And the standing rock indigenous

An incredible poem. Wado

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in activism, Activism in art, Animal Rights, Beavers, Bees, Environmental Poems, Films to amaze, Indigenous People, Mice and rodents, The Sabbats and the old craft, Trees our silent friends, Where friends live, wild birds. Bookmark the permalink.

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