With a heart of gold
This damsel fair
Knows and feels and loves to share
The beauty that surrounds us all
NATURE Mary heard the call
From childhood to youth to now she knows
She realizes and she shows
That all around us
On Planet earth
Water is life there is such worth
We all do walk upon and feel
Its Present in all of us for real
A sensitive one of the chosen few
MAry Sutcliffe we love you

Happy yule and a sister I hear
Of Avalon which we all hold dear
Our roots are there
Our spirit too
So a heartfelt wish
For your life so true
Your whirly gigs
In a musical sphere
Giving snd brightening
And sharing its clear
You are indeed a special soul
And a angel that quietly
Fills her role

The enchantment of trees

Thank you dear lady of Avalon

Happy Yule and I wish you health snd happiness
And an enchanting life ahead

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to MARY

  1. Mary SUTCLIFFE says:

    Dearest Rex, blessed Druid bard, you honour me so much with these beautiful words and sentiments. My winter cold suddenly feels so much more manageable and I feel rich in spirit. I feel so blessed to be part of this sacred earth and a child of the universe along with everyone else. Thankyou so much for your love. It is surely returned. Onward we go with our tree guardians and with each other, no one less worthy than another. Peace and love throughout the land! xxx

    • Rex tyler says:

      You are who you are and those of us who can see who you are welcome that and appreciate you

      A poem Is my way of doing and saying what we all feel

      BLessed be

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