
Committed to cetaceans
To their future to their soul
Journey on this planet
Where many men control
Their fate and you an angel
With the impulse to stay true
To be responsive to them
In all you try to do

A warrior in so many ways
And Dean helps you along
Mindfulness a partnership
Appreciating wrong
Accepting it snd fighting it
With benevolence and care
With the deepest possible feeling
That what you have you share

Many of us warriors
Are alone now in our fight
We struggle with that position
But you my dear have sight
Together and for that you are
More fortunate than some
You are spirited and vibrant
With eagerness and some

A moral sensibility
An intelligence to be
Tender hearted yet expressive
For the creatures of the sea
You share their true enchantment
And gain respect that way
I notice you like what I do
And i am happy to say

The dolphins and the pilot whales
Are happier to know
That you two are on their side
And sadly as we know
They suffer and we suffer
Who is the storm abroad
Standing together the two of you
A lot you can afford

I wish you all you wish for
You both are lovely souls
Its intolerable that dolphins suffer
With these banging poles
The torment that they go through
The trauma that we share
It is wholly disturbing
And makes Us all aware

I feel joyful that I know you
A shared alacrity
An outlook that seems hopeful
Even With TAIJI
Of course we weep and wail there
And mourn the great despair
But with you and Dean so on their case
I am sure they are aware

Thank you to the two of you
Friends you are indeed
Your confidence is infectious
And this year we shall succeed
MAria and Dean its humbling
To have you as my friends
The new year promises so much
And to you it sends

A message to continue
To fight the good fight for
Cetaceans and wolves and all the folk
Who now stand there on the shore
Or swim within the ocean
Or run the gauntlet who
Need the warriors spirits
To do what they must do

Happy yule to you both
And thankyou for inspiring others as you do

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in activism, Orca's and Dolphins. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Maria

  1. Maria Ianc says:

    Wow ! I’m honored, my friend ! <3 This is wonderful and very emotional ! Thanks so much ! Thank you for being my friend, love you ! Happy new year 2017 to you and your family !Hugs <3

    • Rex Tyler says:

      You are worthy my dear i have been watchingbyou this past year
      And the need was there to tell you how much you are appreciated


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