The arctic fox looks timid
But this mother she is bold
Looking out for her little cubs
On wild birds she is sold
Kittiwakes that nest upon the high crags
Wild and free
but getting to them
Isnt easy its a long way to the sea
One slip and its over hundreds of feet below
She will be battered senseless
By the rocks now down below
But running this way that way
Its not an easy trip
The arctic fox has got to be
Careful not to slip
Eventually she grasps a kittiwake
And brings it back
Obviously with the four cubs
She will have to backtrack
So everytime she ventures on the mountain side
She knows
One slip and she’s had it
For clearly down she goes
The people like the wild tastes
And forage from on high
GUillemot or kittiwake
Are Up there in the sky
They climb down on a held rope
Absailing let us say
Picking up the eggs
And catching a bird yes on the way
Another icelandic treasure
Is laver bread and they
Mix it up with flour
And cook it so they say
Actually in a bucket
For each has a hot spring
Geo thermal combustion
It has that special ring
About it if you think about it
Left 24 hours
And all of that earth energy
With its distinctive powers
Cooks the laver through snd through
Ideal for winters bite
FOraging in Iceland
Has to feel just right