The absolute venality
The lack of conscience, we
What is the unscrupulousness
Utter obliquity
Criminal gangs
Are at it
Syndicates out there
In Vietnam and China
And fhe spoils they all now share
The good for nothing roguery
Scoundrels everywhere
And south african ministers
The treachery and despair
Dishonouring their nation
Low life agenda pays
They Are totally unethical
With their wickedness of ways
This is afterall their country
Their future and their life
And they give it away to foreign gangs
For money it is rife
The corruption at the local level
Known as level one
Poachers thats their title
When the day is done
Heartless wicked gangsters
Shameless ugly brutes
Who transgressed to the gutter
Right down to their roots
Despicable buman beings
Disrespectful to
The animals of Africa
That need protection who?
Stands between the power saws
And the victim can I say
Possibly a ranger but if he gets in the way
He will just be slaughtered too
The prize for locals pays
They shut their mouths and they murder
And their livelihoods they raise
Then you get the gangmasters
Black marketeers and they
Are one up on the poachers
And so they earm more pay
Then we have the dealers
They are level three
They export the contraband
To sonewhere where it be
Then there are the importers
They are level four
They are really earning
Really more and more
Of course it is illegal
Its underground but they
Then sort out the markets
And have to make it pay
Then we have consumers
Idiots with cash
Level five they are known as
And actually its trash
Keratin is all it is
The same as finger nails
But really worth its weight in GOLD
Even though its fails
It has no medicinal value
Its the biggest con around
All these precious animals
That have to hit the ground
Die in abject agony
Murdered on the spot
Their horns hacked off just like that
Hundreds now have got
To think that someone important
In South sfrica can be
The mastermind of corruption
It hurts accordingly
The wives we hear do the diry work
But the man himself knows he
Can go and see the dealers
And earn a nice fat fee
And nobody can touch them
Its the most vilest of trade
Steeped in such improbity
The enormity wont fade
Ever in the annuls of AFRICA today
They are selling off their silver
Apparently thats their way
On the edge of NELSPRUIT
Are dealers everywhere
Anyone can find them
If they are aware
If they are in the market
They are just a call away
And HORNS ripe for the buying
As long as you can pay
VIetnam is the big market
And now three a day
Of our precious Rhino’s
Are being blown away
Hacked into eternity
And left to bleed out they
Are suffering so terribly
And its them that has to pay
And nobody cares very much
There is tiger teeth and cake
Also being exported
And its genuine no fake
The market is getting stronger
With ministers on the go
Everybody wants a slice
As everyone does know
In KRUGER 20,O00 kilometres of park
And just 40O rangers to try and make their mark
9000 rhinos live there
And now so many die
There is really a lot of money
Sloshing down from high
And they dont have any scruples
About killing anything
They all are chasing money
For its money that does bring
The kind of life styles some of them
Want and do expect
And with all the corruption
No bags are being checked
Alleged named DAVID MAHLOBO
Thanks to Al Jazeera video