Understanding and responsiveness
Qualities that you
Have dear LYNN in how you are
And all dear that you do
Spirited and eager
To take on anyone
For the beloved animals
When the day is done
You are passionate about things
Hearty and sincere
Overwhelmingly lovely
And caring and it’s clear
Friends like you are special
Your enthusiasm rocks
You are a lovely friend to have
And you take the Knocks
Like Trump is in the White House
Rhino’s being killed
trophy Hunters everywhere
Blood is being spilled
But you don’t give up easily
You are at it all the while
Tempered by your spirit
Never in denial
I really and truly respect you
For your compassion and empathy
The animals are fortunate
To have you and to be
Loved by you and helped by you
For that is what you are
In this great world of sadness
You Are their shining star
As for me to unfriend you
That was just unkind
And I am feeling doleful
I was out of my mind
You are a little diamond
With a brightness and a light
That sparkles in the darkness
And really at a height
Where all of those who know you
Realise how much
honest self reliance
And keeping in touch
With goings on and there are plenty
But you are on the ball
Undaunted by the canned hunting
With your back against the wall
You come out full of vigour
Full of kindness full of heart
A great deal of humility
Which you so impart
Lynn I want you to forgive me
Your friendship means to me
More than ever I will never
Ever truly be
More upset with myself
For UN friending you in that way
I do think you are a warrior
And I love you for that each day