BEsoma Bonnet
She lived upon it
In the forest of glow
She lived with her mother
A witch like no other
But no one around there did know
Who blended the tall weeds
The berries the dry seeds
With moonbeams and bee poo
And dollops of dew
But they did get A glimmer
What she had for dinner
And why she got thinner
And all that is true
She lived in a cottage
Of ivy there trailing
A little white railing
And a lovely oak door
With a, bronzed mouse tail knocker
A bit of a shocker
She was an old rocker
Of that I am sure
Fleetwood Mac often sailed
From her windows and loudly
And the smell from her cauldron
Brought tears to my eyes
Yes Besoma BOnnet
She had Been out on it
Flying like crazy
Up into the skies