Despite all the austerity
They are burning fire tonight
Rockets splashing through the sky
With lots of coloured light
Thunder claps just everywhere
A smoke filled sky here too
Crackling sparkling thumping sounds
That animals will view
Booms and clangs resounding
Hissing spluttering they
Must wonder what is happening
In the world today
The moon is fighting with the clouds
Though darkness Does prevail
Tomorrow I am off to ROLLRIGHTS
To the thinning of the veil
Alone and in the darkness
No sat nav just my mind
See if I can do it by myself
The stones can find
I will go out early
And park outside a while
I do not want to walk too far
Try to reconcile
The factor of the darkness
And what I have to do
The mole hills and the slippery grass
On my sticks good and true
See if I can manage it
I will give it a try
I am quite apprehensive though
But only I know why