Living in the desert presents its problems
elephants know only too well, we
Live in Kaokoveld part of the
KUnene region
In Namibia where all of us have held
Title to the land but of course Evil
Strikes us down with hunters on the prowl
Licensed by the ministers of murder
Of course the few of us now do cry foul
The conditions we live under are extreme
We have to say
And being shot for nothing
But a trophy is no way
Creation ever imagined us elephants should be
The two legs though are arrogant
And have no empathy
Never understanding the predicament
Right here us pachyderms must come to terms
With each element of fear.
Thanks for signing the petition
Hopefully we shall see
The Minster of murder
Helping now to be
These hunter people will be stopped
So we can live and be
Joyful in the understanding
Of our own company