The history of knowing
Ancestors died for you
That plays on your psyche
What else can we do
The finality of terror
Backed up by evil force
Creation stolen mercilessly
Purged really at source
The stridor of each moment
The cannon fire and more
The brazen hearted men in blue
Smashing down your door
Grannies holding babies
Squaws choking on blood
The village being ransacked
And the clamour of the flood
The memories of yesterday year
The discord and the pain
Being raped and strangled
Then being raped again
A darkness that so penetrates
The dungeon that had been
Home for an eternity
Their blankness was obscene
The insanity of thinking
These people were no good
the idiocy of government
Being misunderstood
There was a mass psychosis
Their oblivion was true
They were all unmindful
Of what they ought to do
And the Indians were slaughtered
Every single one
Cut down by a cutlass
What had those poor souls done
Lived a life of sharing
And caring for the soil
Loving the wild planet
Their lives were utter toil
They really had the foresight
To protect and work a way
To live aside the animals
And make their wildness pay
They had the imagination
Inspired they were to be
Rhapsodic and poetic
With the little they could see
Affirming every challenge
With their solemn guarantee
Truth for them was everything
It’s how you had to be
It was a hard life surely
But surely life could be
A worthwhile journey to their goal
To live in harmony
And now what we are seeing
Is the tribes once more at war
With a pipeline with a great black snake
That is spitting at their core
And the impassioned fury
Locked in all their hearts
Has been brought to the surface
All these fits and starts
From the corporate world of energy
The lifeless arrogant lot
Their barbarism evident
The unrestraint they have got
A molesting of the innocent
Their vulgarity is there
They have stage set all the drama
And for people they don’t care
Water land and reservations
Sacredness just words
This is a corporate giant
Away with the birds
Unwilling to cooperate
No stomach for all this
Fractious and uncooperative
They are taking the piss
With indigenous people everywhere
Who are resolute and strong
They possess the determination
They know really how wrong
Their constancy of unfairness
And the ruthlessness they saw
They are unflinching and tenacious
They will endure and then some more
And so we have the stand off
The incorrigibility
The wrongheadedness of the government
So much severity
Unbending obscurantists
In posts where they shouldn’t be
Up against the natural souls
From all of history
The call has gone out
The drums have beaten loud
All the tribes are coming
The evil it has soured
Hearts and minds from every corner
Of this planet they
The indigenous are coming
This is to be the day
When the ancestors are present
When hearts and minds agree
Everyone is of one voice
The dark iniquity
Of stealing through our sacred land
The black snake filled with crude
The diabolical sputum we know it will exude
It’s a virulence and it’s noxious
An arrant case of guilt
Everyone is angry for the blood
That once was spilt
It brings it back to everyone
Now standing that they must
Stand together shoulder to shoulder
Against what is unjust
Their future is at risk here
Their water pure and clean
The Missouri River it is there
Where it has always been
To see a deterioration
Of such a true supply
Because of crude oil profits
Of course they all ask why
Their remedy is simple
The corporate must stay
To violate their sacred land
No ones prepared to pay
It’s perilous it’s hazardous
The risks are far too high
And there is no room for compromise
Underneath the sky
They are camped now in their thousands
Resistance is the key
Up to Now it’s peaceful
But with corporate security
There have been minor clashes
Dogs used so we know
The corporate world is a heartless hell
So tensions can only grow
This is some confrontation
Insurrectional I ‘d say
They all are charged with history
And are unyielding and will pay
Any price to stop all this
And confront the monster here
This is all about true honour
In an,arena of fear
We are all indigenous of somewhere so we must stand
With them against the corporate and stop them once and for all