The givenness of eternity
A black bear wandering free
Disabled by some injuries
But able constantly
To walk upon his hind legs
To hunt through seasons, he
Was able to he had proved his worth
It was where he deemed to be
despite his extensive injuries
Survival was his thing
You could say that he was stubborn
To Nature though did bring
Reality was evident
He hunted and did it well
With an excellent constitution
On seeing him you could tell
Yes he was a loner
But his oneness was supreme
Absorbed in all of nature
Living out his dream
Clearly some disharmony
But he had learned to play it down
His walking somewhat primitive
He’d been seen around the town
He had a peculiar vigour
And was really very strong
So we hear of the New Jersey Bear Hunt
And we All know just how wrong
That was matching wild bears
And their babies with these fools
These so called canny hunters
Who break just about all the rules
Baiting and then Bow hunting
Wounding letting them bleed
The irony of all of this
With encouragement to feed
Baiting a wild creature
A mother with her child
Of Leaving bait For a disabled bear
Clearly very wild
He even had a name, “Pedals” he was called
And some brave rotter shot him
His life they overhauled
432 bears were killed
In a few days the hunt
Extended to kill them before hibernation
No it was not any stunt
Just a system of murdering wild life
For sport that’s the spirit of doom
Baiting and shooting these wonderful creatures
Bringing down the doom and gloom
This bow hunting arse stalked pedals three days
That’s what he said in defence
Clearly a brainless despicable man
Who when he talked just made no sense
Killing the disabled cute bear
That everyone knew and admired
Bow hunting “pedals” the vilest of men
Clearly cooked up and high wired
Till then
An impotent son of an arsehole
An imbecile in so many words
Give him a bow and a licence to shoot
He will prove he’s away with the birds
A bow hunting regular klepto
With not a lot between his ears
Bow hunting a bear that Most people know
Out from his body some tears
The violence is common place clearly
New Jersey a real darkly hole
Blood shedding baiting the innocent
It’s all about getting the goal
Shooting down black ears like crazy
Taking our their babies too
Man isn’t kind not so you will find
And clearly has hardly a clue
“pedals”was bow hunted killed in his track
No one around of course to watch his back
He felt their plunder he knew their pain
Without intuition he felt their disdain
The poor soul he took it and died where he lay
The bow hunting genius had had his day
He should now get hunted
And stripped of his shield
Made to do cell time
Out In The field
Studying Bears see what that does yield
It was an obsession this hunter
Bow hunting ananimal it is believed
Who was already injured and surviving this way
Walking on his hind legs best part of each day
So this hunting genius he came along
Baited our great friend
Both injured and strong
Shot him with a arrow
What terrible pain
egregiously placed
For a lasting refrain
In stead of giving him a prison cell
They give him a prize
And say he did well
Tears.Thank you Rex❤️
DEar Kirsten. Lovely to hear from you
Such a sad sad story this one and these hunting men
Have really nothing between their ears do they
To do this is hard to come to terms with
And the bear as it died but have wondered too
Thanks for stopping by it greats people do
For it is the oxygen in my blood I can tell you