
Those who live where wild life lives
Those iconic souls
Are just taken for granted
Despite their special roles
The black bear in New Jersey
Some 3000 or more I hear
Are sacrificed like some disease
Every single year

And they talk about it as pest control
Yet they use the amateurs who
Can hardly see the target let alone
To shoot them through
It all comes back to money
The Bears don’t stand a chance
Baited and shot at close range
It’s no song or dance

It’s killing off a species
Mothers and fathers too
Disabled bears and babies
This is what they do
These red neck confounded Cowboys types
This is what they do
And what they did was kill a disabled bear
And that they drew

Criticism obviously
The total number they
Shot against the total number
Walking around each day
Rooting through the dustbins
Frightening the dogs
Recorded as sighting
Perhaps some chasing hogs

They are really not the problem
That the hunting clan would, feel
There is no need to kill so many bears
And to conceal
The reasons that they do this
It’s a cruel and nasty way
Of getting a weekends shooting in
And making the wild ones pay

Somebody came forward and said he shot the bear
And then went onto the Facebook page
To make them aware
Then denied he had done this
Who knows what he did
The fact he even said this
Means we really should get rid

Of all these pesky hunters
They are killers after all
And may go onto killing folk
The trangression tends to rule
The psyche and the madness
That these so called hunters bring
Made happy by the sight of blood
And for them it becomes their thing

549 bears have lost their lives
On this hunt weekend
The first three days with bows and arrows
The Cowboys they defend
The right to go and do this
For me a bunch of fools
Pedals was lured with a special sauce
But that it was done at all
Now calls

A certain kind of wickedness
Right Into the frame
And a complete loss of consciousness
That for me does inflame
Every kind of evil
And unpardonable disgrace
And every kind of ugly
Slapped right across their face

The bear must have been startled
By the transgression of man
Clearly being disabled must have thought
The plan
Was not to harm a disabled bear
And so to find out he
Was targeted by the low life
Must have hurt him terribly

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in activism, Bears, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts). Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to “Pedals”

  1. Sara Lordonsuperb says:

    Superb my friend

  2. Sara Lordonsuperb says:

    Superb my friend

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