
circus really curiously
Installed it’s clowns
Hair raisingly
The intermission
Between acts, their ploy
To entertain
But not overjoy
They came of age
With their talents raised
With their masks and antics
That amazed
Children with their wacky stuff
But they were sinister
Which for me was rough

I believe they were there
To raise a smile
But sadly trying to reconcile
Their place, their face
And their pace to me
They never really
were that funny.

Frightening yes
Yes they frightened me
With their ugly teeth
What I could see
As a child I was
I never felt assured
By the painted clowns
Nor overawed
By their modus operandi
Really For they
Were not my favourite act
Let’s say

A painted face often means to me
That inside that mask
A prisoner be
His tragedy his sadness he
Cries and is mournful actually
His countenance shows a tragic air
And despite the slapstick
I was aware

Of the negative thrust
Of the frightening who
Didn’t make me laugh
As they were supposed to do
They did not appeal
In fact to see
they actually frightened me

I was apprehensive at ever turn
They gave me the jitters
And much concern
An air of dread
Of abject fear
When ever one
Tried to get near

More the bogeyman for me
The intimidator actually
Appalled was I, in my childish way
Not something I wanted to see
That day
And even now all these years on
My blood runs cold
And not till they are gone
Do I return to a better state
For circus clowns I do note rate

And now there’s a spate
Of these curious souls
All over the world
Their peculiar goals
Appear to be sinister
So others feel
The trepidation
It is it’s real

They are a direful bunch
Macabre I’d say
Those true child thoughts
Of such dismay
It’s intimidation
It brings back fear
Ones blood runs cold
That’s very clear

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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