This is a cow a female cow
A blunt knife and a fool
An ugly defacement
It’s so easy to call
This is known as halal
As the cow just ran away
In agony,the ultimate,
it’s terror it does pay
A terrible price for living
Once tied up we see
Hacking at her head and throat
How can all this be
A female who gave up her calves
Her milk and now life too
But the so called executioner
Is a fool for he can’t do
The obvious he has no idea
How to kill the cow
So he hacks at her
She’s not bleeding out
If only she were
Her pain must be ridiculous
And imagine her great fear
The crowds are baying loudly
The iniquity is clear
The cruelty the enmity
A counsel of despair
Watches as she struggles
To breathe in some fresh air
She is frothing she is puking
And some blood trickles free
It is a hopeless picture
That’s if you ask me
The disrespect is evident
These men have no idea
Their disgruntlement and grievance
Engenders so much fear
This sentience is paramount
The emotion one can see
The animal is suffering
It’s excitability
A case of mortification
An absolute disgust
Watching this is sickening me
Really it’s a must
A knife must be well sharpened
Clean and ready there
Not picked up off the roadside
Filthy so unaware
Of the agony a forethought
With no relief in sight
Hearing it cough and splutter
As it loses its light
This really beautiful being
As docile as before
Fetching and appealing
But now into a war
Ravaged by the ignorant
The unsoldierly brigade
With the servility of ignorance
Which tragically is laid
And all the while they are cutting
Slicing through the skin
They have no idea as to when
She will die and go within
And so they slowly saw her head off
To imagine this is to be
Sicker than a pig in shit
Such animosity
It’s a hatred and revulsion
A loathing that we see
The female loses all through life
And into infinity
There always was the prejudice
The offensive and the spurned
I lay my head upon my hands
That man has never learned
How to treat his victim
How to understand
The agony they are going through
The offence is out of hand
Resentful piqued and embittered
And I cannot abide this fool
If I was there I would go to him
And his arse want to haul
Out of there completely
For the pain that he has caused
To that sweet soul is abominable
He never ever paused
To realise or sharpen
The knife which is his abuse
He more or less hacked off her head
That’s what I deduce