Fated and weighted

Who are we to decide the fate
Of any soul commensurate
With feeling emotions
The subtle worth
Of what plays out on Mother Earth
Films are there to basically
Make money for a company
Investment comes it seems to me
With the need to tell a good story

Petting Cubs and trophy Lions
Hunters punters Frankesteins
Manipulated technology
That failed to bring a constancy
The monster had his own idea
And the effigy was far less clear
A little Lion is sacrificed
The company of Kings sufficed
To say controls the story line
A resurgence which may not be mine

The synopsis gathers interest for
The arrogance out there for sure
From wherever the Cubs come from that we
Accept the role and their pedigree
Posterity and collateral fears
The adoptive patterns that clearly steers
A wild soul through its captive plight
And out the other side alright

Whispering caring loving traits
3 years of filming it creates
A thrust full energy zestful time
Where interference just may climb
And with influence it could malign
The curse that is the growing Lion
Hypnotic thus attracting those
Not as au fair with what we pose
The liability of the picture to
Be accountable really all through

In collaboration with experts
hang together they
contribute and feel the need
To show their Lions the way
Reaction from then each of us
On face book as we all discuss
The recalcitrant the resistance too
And What is the friction and drag all through

An inverted glance missing the signs
A raw regard for the clueless lines
For as it plays out what do we see
A child and a lion who seem to be free
The romantic nomads the rambling soul
The two escapees each on a Roll
Getting away from a tortured scene
And back into freedom from the machine

The new direction follows on
Not looking back just to be gone
Injecting the human into the Lion
An explosive encounter on which to dine
The hope and the wanting of every frame
As wildness gets fainter
And we see the game
Whilst the soul emerges in conflict with life
Instinctive programming causes both strife

A play acting saga which has little to do
But appeal to an audience
Out there and through
How they believe, and what it is they see
Of the true feeling and prosperity
Where is the wisdom how can it be
That any wild animal can adequately
Manage the partnership solve all the clues
And at the end of it, not sing
the blues

They are to be catered for
A sanctuary
Still a misjudgement if you ask me
A haven of falsity obsessed
With taking their wildness away
And so we
Go through the experience filming it all
Mia and Charlie both walking tall
But what was the purpose
Where are they now
MIa is acting
CHarlie well how

Does he come to terms with his
Instinctive urge
It no doubt runs through him
A real potent surge
Of emotions and thoughtfulness
Back from his past
That gnaws at his soul
In the die he is cast

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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