GRizzlies whether they realise or not
Must understand
That with a Wolfpack in the vicinity
Life is far more grand
Wolves are really effective
At driving prey away
From water courses and those forces
Honestly do pay
Dividends for Nature with her power
And knowledge too
She creates the players
And she knows what to do
Man comes in to serve himself
Rancher hunter or
Whatever he is doing
When he gets outside his door
The Bears share food the wolves have
Killed, if they choose to, they
Can share live kill which does instil
In them a brighter way
Without wolves the prey animals
Will eat up willows they
Will cut them off as saplings
And the grasses too that sway
At riversides that hold the earth and stop erosion,we
Can see the Beavers at the dams
When wolves run favourably
Insects in the grasses
Big trout in the stream
Bears around and Mountain Lions
And coyotes it’s no dream
We get to see some balance
And an equilibrium that
Has roots and leaves and just achieves
A reason to be at
Killing wolves and Bears will see
prey animals again
That’s when hunters step into the breech
And cause much pain
If we leave Nature to manage
The systems we shall see
A bountiful existence
For all eternity
But mankind thinks of monetary gain
That really is his thing
He lives in the city
But also wants to bring
his Power and all his wishes
To bear on the wilds too
He wants to kill us all for sport
Spoil what we try to do
Kill the wolves and kill the Bears
Just for the sake of it
What advantages we all can make
He doesn’t give a shit
If the trees are in his way
They will cut Them down for he
Will deck out his back yard with them
That’s all that he can see
As for all the grasses the saplings
And the rest
The birds the bees the fish
We are either food or pest
And that’s what’s wrong with human kind
They do not know their place
And that will be the death of them
Lost without a trace
As for us we shall struggle on
Through Fukushima we
Know already it’s affecting us
And the Chem trails too that be
Coming down upon us from the sky
From all those sprays
We need to breathe we need to drink
That’s what great Gaia says
But apparently the eugenics movement
Are taking steps and we
Are the first to be got rid of
Then the fishes in the sea
So really we are up to it
We understand that we
Don’t have a lot of time left
If that’s how it must be
Then at least we know
The outcome
This wondrous planet earth
Destroyed by mans true arrogance
He just could not see its worth
Man had everything but still wanted more
His downfall was that he couldn’t see the value of others
Only himself