I worked from the age of ten
Paper round milk round bakers round and coalman
Then when I was 15 got a job in an office
Of a food and wine merchants in Eastcheap.
I had wanted to leave school and write slogans and poetry
But there were no opening at that time
I studied shipping law and contract and commercial law
And opened my own import agency for toy importers
I started to study Chinese Mandarin and visited China
Malaysia Taiwan and other Chinese speaking places
I joined Toastmasters and studied public speaking
And reached the DTM standard of distinguished toastmaster
In 1981 I opened a shop and restaurant and ran it till 2010
Winning the queens award and many other awards.
Was a training champion and won green business of the year
I joined the soil association to act as a consultant on the prime committee
Which was for me food processing and all its woes and fought off many corporate ideas to relegate organic food to a lower importance
I was always interested in earth magic feng shui and studied a while with a Rosicrucian master Professor De Goya
I had a subsidiary business selling occult books for about about 5 years
And we organised a meeting of like minds weekly on premises
I am now a baby witch and a baby Druid
Poetry has figured in my life from as soon as I could write at 5 years old
To have met you all and to be accepted into the order has made me a happier bunny.
Love this Rex!
That’s good just a simple bio lots more but that a precis
Brilliant stuff !
Thanks Veronica there is a lot more but it’s a lovely idea of yours
Thanks so much x