
I worked from the age of ten
Paper round milk round bakers round and coalman
Then when I was 15 got a job in an office
Of a food and wine merchants in Eastcheap.
I had wanted to leave school and write slogans and poetry
But there were no opening at that time
I studied shipping law and contract and commercial law
And opened my own import agency for toy importers

I started to study Chinese Mandarin and visited China
Malaysia Taiwan and other Chinese speaking places
I joined Toastmasters and studied public speaking
And reached the DTM standard of distinguished toastmaster
In 1981 I opened a shop and restaurant and ran it till 2010
Winning the queens award and many other awards.
Was a training champion and won green business of the year
I joined the soil association to act as a consultant on the prime committee
Which was for me food processing and all its woes and fought off many corporate ideas to relegate organic food to a lower importance

I was always interested in earth magic feng shui and studied a while with a Rosicrucian master Professor De Goya

I had a subsidiary business selling occult books for about about 5 years
And we organised a meeting of like minds weekly on premises

I am now a baby witch and a baby Druid
Poetry has figured in my life from as soon as I could write at 5 years old

To have met you all and to be accepted into the order has made me a happier bunny.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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4 Responses to Bio

  1. Claudia says:

    Love this Rex!

  2. Rex tyler says:

    That’s good just a simple bio lots more but that a precis

  3. veronica says:

    Brilliant stuff !

  4. Rex tyler says:

    Thanks Veronica there is a lot more but it’s a lovely idea of yours
    Thanks so much x

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