A water powered funicular
30 metres high
It travels 175 feet
Right up to the sky
It’s one of the steepest cliff railways
In the world today
With a 34 degree slope
And 100 runs per day
JOhn the porter/driver
The genius who does
Get the whole thing going
You can feel the buzz
Such a pioneering project
A miracle Infact
What goes up must come down
It really does attract
Everyone who sees it
And rides on it for they
Are transported through the tree tops
Like Eagles on their way
To a land of sustainability
2 carriages linked as one
Water powered pure genius
Funicular pure FUN
Is had by all and sundry
The inner child breaks free
Flies into the higher boughs
Where the owls and squirrels be
This is a piece of kit
Like nothing else you will see
It’s breathtaking it’s special
Visit them soon and be
Subject to such wizardry
Recall the inner me
I am in the winter of my life
But of course I still can see
And feel the true emotion
The eagerness to be
Going up and down all day
Filled with hilarity