Poachers in Garamba

3 beautiful Kordofan Giraffes
That were sighted hours before
Were poached and shot down in cold blood
It is a bloody war
Against the highly militarised forces
Who are paid
To come and slaughter wild animals
Which is their stock in trade

Garamba National Park is a hugely
Forested area of 2000 miles
A mark
Of just how hard it is to track
These hunter types who come
In this case only the tips of tails
Were taken
Which leaves me numb

Three beautiful souls one collared
A female and two males
All riddled with bullets
The ranger spirit fails
Here was a collared with GPs victim
On the ground
A lot of high grass in this area
So the difficulty they have found

Is evident for Rhino’s have been wiped
Out in the park
ELephants are facing Hell
For The giraffes too it is stark
Either used for bush meat
But the Congolese believe
Eating giraffe causes leprosy
So clearly those now that grieve

It was likely Congolese poachers
Wanting only the tail
Used there as a dowry for the brides father
This trail
of carnage
That can end up as a fly whisk
So they say
3 animals were shot down in their prime
The other day

On the Congolese Sudan border
Where there has been some unrest
The animals were cut about
For the vultures to do their best
To eat up all the evidence
And make it hard to find
Who and why poached these giraffes
That clearly blow our mind

The Rangers found the bodies
And realised the score
They identified the culprits
And said it is a war
And it’s very very dangerous ground
Policing this park here
But they are resigned to do it
Despite the heightened fear

And all for a status symbol
Life for some is low
The expectancy of their own lives
Apparently they know
But These three sentient Giants
They readily will buy
3 tips of tails and their bloody trails
Seen here as they did die

Now there is only 37 left
4 dead this year
The Rangers will be working hard
Despite the enormous fear
And they are up against it
many groups with vike ideas
Bush meat tail tips hunters
All psycho’s it appears

National Geographic made the film
Which is on you tube and I posted
Onto is it the beginning of the end
On Facebook

Dedicated to the brave rangers who risk
Their lives every day to save the wild life

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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