Where is the joy
Yesterday I
Lived to the full
I on a high
In the old city
Where dreams came to be
The spirit of yester year
Came down on me
Not far from the border
No weirder sound
All around me was rubble
In it I was drowned
Choking, just darkness
And screams everywhere
The sky full of evil
And awful despair
The ceiling came down on us
That’s all I saw
My poor mother lying
There flat on the floor
Broken and twisted
Our life had become
Like one of my dolls
Torn and broken and numb
I was dragged from the rubble
And put on a seat
Covered in blood
Not even a sheet
The cameras were rolling
The West wants to see
Us victims all bleeding
And bleeding we be
Shock and awe
What’s it for
Aleppo my town
The blare of the media
It gets us down
As the cameras roll
Expressionless I
Am a boy in the middle
Wondering why
My brother is broken
My father is still
Our home is no more
All I feel is a chill
I have little to say
What did I do
Was I Wrong to be born
I suppose that is true
Politicians all over
Threaten to use
Their great big deterrent
To kill and abuse
It’s the power in their arm
And their weakness of heart
Their soulless expression
And that’s where they start
I’m a boy and the joy that I had
Is all gone
In the old city
I now sit upon
An ambulance seat
Wiping blood from my eyes
Hearing crashes
And bangs
And now it applies
To me I’m in pain
My parents may be
Are lost In The rubble
And will Never be free
just a flash and the ceiling
Fell in on us all
I heard my mum scream
And I saw my dad fall
When you see me your tears
Will not help me at all
Can you bring back my mummy
As my daddy did fall
He was trying to fetch
Trying to save
And our broken home
May now be his grave
We are just people
Who did you no wrong
We are not politicians
We did belong
In Aleppo alive breathing
The same air
We are no different to
You we should share
This planet together
That’s how we felt
And now in the rubble
Our cards have been dealt
Our home that we loved so
Is broken and smashed
The mother I loved so
The old door has bashed
I am a lost boy
In a world that’s lost hope
And opening my eyes
I don’t think I can cope
I have grit in my mouth
And I can’t really see
My brother I think is in the seat next to me
He seems very quiet its unlike him to be
We were all eating
And mum had made tea
Tonight in your safe havens
Far far away
Spare a thought for us children
Having to pay
Because you want to fight
You want to be
Controlling the world
And all its energy
Loved your poetry. Very touching. Would like to see more.
Thanks Eileen click on the link over 5000 poems there to feast your eyes on I write daily or I should so nightly thanks for coming outo my blog when people do this it’s like a candle in the night sky for me it gives me energy to continue
Thanks again