Tanzania and Green Mile Safari’s

what is an ugliness
repellant and monstrous
a family of hunters
in their four by four
into the bush
with all of their armoury
sat in the vehicle
starting a war

this isn’t hunting
this is vulgarity
this isn’t stalking
this is obscene
these men are murderers
and they have a child with them
wind up the terror
how ravaged and mean

this is pure wickedness
abuse of the wild ones
quite diabolic even to see
to imagine the fear and the pain
and the suffering
clearly their chasing
and all of that strain

you can feel in their bodies
their muscles are racing
a shameful affliction
a damnable trait
driving towards and shooting directly
this is satanic i don’t have to wait

and be told by the others
that this is acceptable
nothing like this can be right for me
these are the worst kind of horrible hunters
their badness is obvious as we can see
insult to injury rough and obnoxious
this is depravity where is their guilt
watching the wild souls fall and lay kicking
this is intolerable I don’t wish to see

men clearly out there to punish the animals
they are a pestilence this cannot be
allowed in this day and age this is just scandalous
creating a burden of adversity
they gallop in terror you really can feel it
foaming and combing their eyes bulging so
they have been ambushed it really is menacing
they feel so vulnerable that is the key
they grapple for oxygen fighting back tiredness
beset by the fear that locks up their limbs
they have little resistance and no expectation
they are on a war footing that we now know

the child has a rifle and he is now aiming
out of the car through the window he fires
at birds on the ground a great puff of dust rises
so very aggressive a great cross of wires
Wildebeest even a Rhino lies fallen Buffalo Monkeys
no beast stands a chance
no soul stands an earthly
they are all meant as targets
meshing the gears and scraping the tyres

serenity brooding the light and the shade
a sweet meditation upon a green glade
the wettest arena the Deer in the field
this their prosperity raising their yield
here comes the hunters Toyota in tow
out of the window more shots that grow
crying and screaming and suffering so
their freedom is lost in the free born wild glow

with victims still kicking men leap out and fight
tread down on their legs and this in spite
of injuries clearly they fight for their life
but are treated so badly which cannot be right
4 men and one small deer already shot
fighting to claim the freedom but not\
managing really for torture is high
close up another shot and then they die

get out the knife the throat is sliced through
the guts are pulled out thats what butchers do
who the hell are hunters and how can this be
allowed by Tanzania its all wrong to me
they are smitten my evil benumbed by refrain
intoxicated their heart strings doth drain
the tenderness called for will never be heard
they are squalid and artless and really insane

that baby zebra as frightened as hell
its tasteless and tawdry
when nothings done well
obtrusive behaviour
conceited as hell
ego overflowing
so I hear tell

they were a rabble a much lesser breed
bog trotting snot bags the low born who feed
on defiance and bluster and much disrespect
impudent rotters the world should reject
neglectful of care so scurrilous too
all those animals suffered its not what to do
they are under a cloud and the laws should now be
coming down hard on them for all I see
is true illegality and so much disdain
extreme amorality again and again

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in activism, animals used for food, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts). Bookmark the permalink.

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