This Lammas time (a question I put to you all)

Summer came, the odd blue sky
But tragically ask yourselves why
The skies above now are seldom blue
Without streaks of artificiality too
Are crops abundant there are a few
Grains to be threshed when cherries do
Look plump and ready, those around
But the Fruit on my trees weigh not even one pound!

Apples are here but lack of the sun
At Lammastime
What has that done?
The summer bounty isn’t as great
But Our celebration
It cannot wait
In hope, for the sun to ripen fast
Upon those fruits where her eye she cast
We remember Ceres the goddess she
Taught us to preserve seed fertility

In the form of grains which we surely did
But now Monsanto in their bid
In their pursuit of a profit base
Neglecting the goddess not knowing her place
In the Scheme of things all they see
Are dollar bills unfortunately

Farmers are told seed saved will die
Genetically altered under the sky
The farmers question their place
now here
For the world they knew is far from clear

The corporations will not take heed
You see they want you to buy new seed
Their seed thats doctored to withstand their
Power of attorney that lets you share
a little of their wealth if you pay
A colossal sum to them today

If not they come from out of the sky
To apply the spray and your crops will die
Lammas Time and the goddess who
Created life on Earth for you
Gave us cereals in her name
Clearly she is not to blame

It’s the minds of men whose warped desire
Is to lead us screaming through their fire
To sell more roundup to sell and sell
And draw us down to their man made hell
To threaten us more to upset each day
And really and honestly to drive us awayi

From the land we loved and wanted to share
Until only the corporation was there
Who gave us our orders for slaves we be
and they decide our fertility
Eugenics is working it’s now alive
One wonders how many of us will survive

To remember the sabatts and each celebration
Worked through the hearts of this precious nation
Committed to Ceres the goddess who gave
Our ancestors hope from the seeds they did save
Whether ROLLRIGHTS will stay with its lichens still green
Will the mole hills still be here or some great machine
Would have levelled the sacredness out of where we
Stood in our circles protected and free

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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