What a corporate menace
A housing of the poor
A collection of victims
Spread about the floor
They are far from grounded though
Many from afar
It’s all about endurance
And as to where they are
In ZOOS a kind of vacuum
Where emptiness is seen
Imaginary habitat
Where light has never been
The naturalness of living
In a dark and dreary place
Is meaningless for every soul
Who peers into your face
Tries to make some contact
To appeal to you And say
Can’t you feel the tragedy
That is my life today
The problem is the people
Who pay to come and see
What is Infact an endorsement
To pure adversity
The Victorians were Curious
They were hypocrites in fact
Cases cages pens and enclosures
How did we react
To forcing the wild animals
Into a drab affair
When we stole Them from their freedom
And dumped them any where
Harmony was non existent
As a consequence we found
So many victims just went mad
And or walked around and around
Bored out of existence
Left without resource
Why did we interfere with them
Or capture them by force
We imagined we were superior
We had the better way
Put them all in enclosures
And people would come and pay
To see the many under dogs
In a menial embrace
With slovenliness and disarray
And what was a disgraced
Really much confusion
Undisciplined and wrong
In cramped and airless places
Where they did not belong
All their natural elements
Had been taken away
And they were left in a maelstrom
Of threats most every day
The ZOO that concrete edifice
That establishment where we
Took ourselves to get a glimpse
Of the wild nobility
The animals dragged screaming
From the countries where they were born
Torn away from families
In a really violent dawn
They took on their membership
In our frightful and vile place
Prisoners without recourse
All for the human race
To ponder over to think about
To taunt maybe to stare
Repetition their new reward
For really being there
Time would be the essence
Each semester they would learn
The neverness and eternity
The datelessness concern
Sheer boredom and the effect of it
And the inability
To be disempowered by the humans
For what is eternity
A real desolation
A carnage of ones soul
A poverty of spirit
When one has lost one’s role
In life it’s just a torpor
That follows one about
A general immobility
A sluggishness and doubt
It’s a kind of general atrophy
Of the surroundings where
Instinctively the memory
Had pictures one could share
The tall trees and flowing rivers
The mountains and the sky
And now your box of nothing less
Than a constipated lie
Wild rats and mice would visit
The bugs and roaches too
But very little sunlight
A distortion all through
Gestureless and poker faced
Benumbed one now might say
Vegetating in the soup of what is night
And day
Divergent and separated from the order of the hour
A terminus for all of us
Berthed to extract our power
Food is generally thrown at us
Slimy and sometimes stale
But it’s something we all look forward to
From the daily trail
Our water clearly often dank
And full of bits and we
Share it with the rodents and the birds
Too, all who see
The need to wet their tiny throats
Our need is also there
Mankind is never really kind
And never ever fair
The heat can drive us crazy
The cold can do that too
All the extremes upset us
The decay which is all through
Our structures kind of rotten
And the lack of cleaning too
Often we lay upon our mess
For there is nothing else we can do
A zoo is not a holiday camp
It’s a concentration where
Everyone who lives and breathes
Is covered in despair
It’s those dismal murky moments
That come to us each night
The pale horse bolted long ago
And has been out of sight
For many years and all the fears
Are with us we can say
Conditioned by surroundings
We let intuition play
Out into the darkness
Dreams of bygone days
And the precariousness of living
Just kind of allays
The genuine sub strata
And inspiration we
Sometimes get and think about
In our reality
But the stillness and the futility
Of this really awful cell
The congenital behaviour
That just leaves you unwell