Twenty two years ago
ARturo Bear
Left the US
To go and stay there
MEndoza zoo
That’s in the west
Of Argentina
That’s cruel at best
When his dear partner
Died you could see
He lost his only love
And he wanted to be
Joining her Somehow
He loved her so much
And that she had passed on
He could no longer touch
This particular zoo
Has had problems galore
Bacteria infections
Yes by the score
And over crowding
And of course the heat
And Polar bears clearly
Don’t get fresh meat
His blood circulation
Was ropey and he
Was lonely and sad
As sad as could be
He played with a red ball
That’s all he had
This zoo was mean
This zoo was bad
When he lost his lady
It was all in his eyes
Clearly her loss
Came as such a surprise
He tried very hard to go on
But we saw
It was torture and seeing him
No one could ignore
His plight and his sadness
To lose someone you love
Someone who comforts you
From heaven above
Who gives you support
And just lets you know.
That if anything happens
That they too will go
The problem with zoo’s
Is they are never home
Where were the ice caps
It just was known
Polar bears really
Should swim in the sea
This horrible zoo
Was just no place to be
He died and he laid down
Quite near to his ball
Imagine it that’s all you have
Yes that’s all
He came into this world
With his freedom from God
And left knowing
The zoo did not care a sod
Winnipeg zoo was simply too far
He was too old anyway they did bar
His journey They told him
It’s best You stay here
Go mad here be sad here
She’d your last tear
And so he passed on
All alone with his ball
To join his dear partner
Who he often did call
His concrete bunker
He hated that place
Dearest Arturo remember it’s true
We Hope that you find peace
whatever you do
Goodbye bear friend you are in all our thoughts xxx
Dear friend my soul is broken today I feel sad alone! ARTURO i loved him! HE gave a face to all that is wrong! Not only the zoos but Society
How right you are Dear Sara. ARTURO and all the captives around the globe
How sad and melancholy they are.broken hearts their reward for being themselves.thanks for calling by and leaving a message for me x