What is existence
A givenness and presence here
The wild have wings to fly
To develop and to clear
The treetops and the roof tops
To take on the wind and rain
To know the ways of shelter
And intrinsically to gain
A quality of life
Its how we are made
Its how we are
Its what we see as freedom
And we can fly so far
Away from wintry elements
To sunnier climes so we
Can live our lives and learn a lot
In perfect harmony
With wings to fly
The forest trees
Can be a place where we
Can find a larder rich in proteins
And, we all can see
So much potential really
Because we all can fly
Spread our wings
And sail into the heavens
By and by
But with man now sharing oxygen
He wants to cage us, be
Wants to clip our tiny wings
So we cannot be free
Wants to have us hanging in his living room
So he
Can share his empty rubbish
With the likes of me
And expect me to copy him
To sing a long and feel
Happy to be in a cage
Where it feels most unreal
The frustration of this prison
And hanging here where he
Forgets to give me water sometimes
And Leaves me parched
I be
Sad, I squawk a lot to try and remind him
I am dry
Not only have I wings but without water
i soon die
If only i could fly away
And not be trapped in here
I gaze out at the light most days
And of course lose a tear
Or two its terribly sad
To know you have wings but cannot fly
If only he would open the door
For slowly now I die
A little really every day
Forced to stay in here
In his measly little flat
Which only brings me fear
The food is dry and tasteless
All I need to say
Is I have wings beautiful wings
If I could only fly away
And its not that I don’t love you
Its that you do not love me
You see I have wings to fly with
But you historically
Lock us up in cages
And expect us to be
Loving you forever
Well you will not get love from me
Inspired by a post on SIMON Folkards timeline