The Hellenic trench
5000 metres
It sinks to such depths
The Meditteranean sea
And there where the steep slopes
Just fall away
Thats where you might just find me
I am so heavy a mild sort of grey
I tend to whistle and click
Every day
I love giant squid
They are a favourite of mine
About 1000 kilos a day
Feels divine
I am pretty big
Scary some say
And where some have baleen
I have teeth
So away you go
Mr Diver
Don’t fuck with me
Because if I have my young ones
With me in the sea
I don’t want
Your camera
Stuck in her face
I don’t want our pictures
All over the place
We are quite secretive
About what we do
And would prefer our company
Never you
We do get caught up
In drift nets sometimes
I think you catch swordfish
More of your crimes
Yes, we are gigantic
Humbling souls
And we like a conflab
Deciding our roles
As to the Monks
The rarest of seals
We click a bit
But what that reveals
Is were are the phantoms
We are now rare
Living in caves
Which sometimes we share
We are pretty shy
Our last refuge is where
The wind likes to blow hard
Almost everywhere
That is in Greece
Where the octopus ply
We do like those tentacles
If they roll by
These days all our fish
Have been stolen by you
The national of Europe
They see now to do
Horrors eat most of our
Fresher of fair
What was once so idyllic
Could now be anywhere
But not here in Greece
On the great craggy coast
Humans have stolen
The fish we love most
We really are suffering
Some more years like this
And Monk Seals will have had it
Extinct now one feels