Beyond the sky
Where us corvids fly
Clad in black
Oft on our jack
But paired we are
And I am joe
And my gal is Jane
Two J’s you know
But we are not Jays
We are crows that us
Corvids so let us now discuss
At Stonehenge Saturday
We thought you
The cotswold crowd were
Good and true
So many humans come around
But honestly, what we have found
Is they are humans
They do not see
The likes of us
Bird brains we be
To them in plain sight
We have become
So its only some
A few of you who communicate
On a different realm
Who don’t subjugate
Who show respect
Who give and we
Pick up on that
Our brain to body mass
Is great
The relation now you just wait
Is like your cetaceans
And great ape souls
Our brain to body mass
Yes our roles
In life are varied
But what we see
And how we fly
And where we be
We are magical
Just like you
The druid clan
All good and true
That bard of yours
Is a friendly bloke
A bit of fool
A bit of a joke
But he knows us
We communicate
We sense each other
And that we rate
We loved your ritual
For us to see
Humans acting magically
Respecting the laws
And the caws and all
Its lovely to be
Up on a wall
Or one of the Sarsons
Looking down
Feeling the sense
Every pretty gown
Robe and staff
And we sense it all
Yes all of us sense it
And its really Pretty cool!
The rabble come
And throw bread at us
Thats not what we want
We want to discuss
The old ways
The old craft
The old stuff, for we
Were all once like you
And we can still be
We shape shift
Sometimes we do
Spirits in time
Rooted in herstory
From which we climb
Out of the realms of the owl
Who descends
And will given time
Eat up all our friends
We all felt comfortable being with you
genuine people
Who do
The best for humanity
Thats how we felt
Apparently all of the right cards
Were dealt
Love from all our simps thats our children by the way
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